Hire a Floorplan/Remodeling Coach

Avoid costly mistakes by getting a seasoned set of eyes on your project. I'll look over your plan and either make recommendations based on HOUSEFLOW principles, give you focus as you go through the process, and/or be your advocate and guide as you navigate an unfamiliar industry.

Professional architects, drafters, builders, even Feng Shui consultants can and should be members of your team, but chances are none of them know, love, or live in small spaces. There is never a charge if HOUSEFLOW doesn't bring value to your project.

Looking for Presenters or Creating Workshops?

Presentations bring the concepts of HOUSEFLOW to life. Interactive sessions can lead to ah-ha moments for guests at your next event or workshop. Making homes more effective means happier residents, happier homeowners, and better returns for builders and investors.


  • The 5 Flows of Highly Effective Homes.

  • Value add remodeling techniques for investors, landlords, or homeowners.

  • Missed opportunities and mistakes in standard construction.

  • What "Pitstops" are and how they can improve daily living.

email: houseflowinfo@gmail.com

ph: 507-259-1490